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REMC July banner
Free REMC Courses in July
Are you ready to supercharge your teaching arsenal with cutting-edge tools and strategies, all while earning FREE SCECHs? REMC courses are designed to ignite your passion for innovative teaching methods
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decorative title graphic
Next-Gen Tech: Out with the Old, In with the New
In the ever-shifting world of digital resources, our district’s subscriptions are subject to change annually. This year is no exception, with several edtech companies either closing or altering their licensing
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AI Part 4
AI @ P-CCS: Part 4 – Make a Plan
Welcome to the final post of our AI series. This series has explored the world of AI in education, and you’ve gained valuable knowledge through exploring resources, delving into district
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summer break tech to-do
Tech-To-Do’s Year-End Checklist
As you make plans to close up your classroom for the summer (and a well deserved break), please take care of the following items: Save, Update, and Share Your Content
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part 3 of AI series
Ai @ P-CCS – Part 3: Communicate & Collaborate
As AI tools like ChatGPT become more prevalent, it’s both an exciting and daunting time for teachers. AI has the potential to augment and enhance teaching in powerful ways. But
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Canvas end-of-year tips
Year-End Canvas Information
The good news is, there isn’t much to worry about with Canvas at the end of the year. It will automatically convert your course to read-only for students and roll
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