New Laptops: Sign into Chrome for a Pleasant Experience

image showing Google icon in two places

Instructional staff, when you get your new laptop and open up Google Chrome, you might sign in to Google/Gmail and think that you are all set to go. But perhaps you notice that none of your bookmarks or saved passwords are coming up. You (probably) didn’t do anything wrong, you just need to make sure you are ALSO SIGNED INTO the browser GOOGLE CHROME itself. Check out those steps here. They are also linked on the laptop handbook that is accessible on the Desktop of your new laptop.

How do you know if you are logged into Chrome? You want to see your icon in both places as pictured at the top of this page.



Free, High-Quality Digital Learning Resources

The Michigan Learning Channel (MLC) is a statewide public television partnership offering free instructional content to support the education of students and to provide alternative resources for families and teachers. Designed to enrich school learning, the instructional content is aligned with Michigan’s educational standards and follows widely accepted sequences for mastering skills throughout the school year. Some of the programs include Read, Write, Roar, Curious Crew (science), and InPACT (physical education).

This programming is being broadcast on special on-air channels established by each of the participating public television stations in Michigan. It is also available as a livestream and stored for on-demand viewing on a variety of digital platforms, ensuring accessibility to all students, teachers and families in the state.

You can find their programming at:

PBS LearningMedia is a great destination for direct access to thousands of classroom-ready, curriculum-targeted digital resources aligned to Common Core and national and state standards.

Spur your students’ achievement and engagement through the use of audio recordings, documents, interactives, lesson plans, videos, and more! Browse by standards, grade level, subject area, and special collections then favorite and share resources with your class and colleagues. Best of all, PBS LearningMedia is free for PreK-12 educators and students.

You can find all of this at:

PBS LearningMedia can be easily integrate in Canvas to find out more click here:

Please submit a tech ticket if you have questions or would like a guide when exploring these resources.

Canvas Quick Tip: Drag and Drop Due Dates

Need to quickly change a course due date? Head to the Calendar in Canvas (on the far left of your screen on the Global Navigation Menu). From there, you can drag and drop an assignment due date to a new day.



Be Alert: Google Forms Phishing Scam

Be on the lookout for scammers trying to impersonate Google. The spammer will take advantage of the option for “Response Receipts.” These emails are sent from the email address “” which is the official, legitimate email.

The spammer pretends the user has filled out something with Google when they have not and requests that the person fill out their email address and click to verify.  See an image example below.

example google form phishing

While the email address may be official, those links could lead to anywhere and could ask for more information. Keep in mind, if you are getting a response receipt you likely have already completed what you need and should not need to send any new information.

If you think you have received one of these scam emails, you can click “Report Abuse” at the bottom of the email.

If you would like more details about this scam, please read this post, where we sourced the information for this blog.

Two Great Google Updates

Easy Share Button

In the latest update for Chrome, you’ll now see a share icon in the link address bar. Click that “sharrow” and you be able to copy the link or get a QR code with a few less clicks.

image showing share icon in omnibar

Go Pageless in Google Docs

More and more teachers are going “paperless” in their classrooms. As a result, you might not like making formatting adjustments when an image, table, or something else falls right around a page break. Google Docs now gives you the option to “pageless.” View the video below to find out how and see why it might be helpful.

More information from Google on this update.


Canvas Tip: New Analytics to Support Students

Did you know that New Analytics provides detailed reports about grades, activity in Canvas, and missing assignments? Take a look at the information below to learn more. This can be used to support your teaching with data and an easy way to communicate with students and families that need support.

*Credit to Nicole Pate of Del Sol Academy for the informational slides. Link to slides.

Submit a tech ticket if you have questions about this feature.

PCEP Year-Long Courses now with Grading Periods

summary of grading period implications

High School teachers of PCEP year-long courses, please be aware that Grading Periods will be set up in your Canvas courses denoting each semester.

Year-Long PCEP Coursessummary of grading period implications

  • Teachers will have access to make edits, give feedback, and grade assignments in Canvas for first semester until 11:59 pm on February 2, 2022. After that date, the grades will not be editable.
  • Students will continue to have access to submit assignments with due dates in the first semester UNLESS YOU HAVE AN AVAILABLE UNTIL DATE OF JAN. 28 OR EARLIER.  You can edit those dates in bulk by following the steps here.

Semester 2 began January 31st, 2022.  You can filter your grade book to view assignments with due dates in the Semester 2 grading period by following the steps here.

The information above was also noted in our January 18, 2022 blog post.

If you have questions, please submit a tech ticket.