Your Canvas Course Template is here! As you may have read in our previous communication, your Technology Integration Specialists have created a template for Canvas that you will see as soon as you open any Canvas courses that sync with MiStar for this year. We hope it will take one thing off your long to-do lists.

A communication was sent on 8/23/22 about how to customize it and add your content from previous years. Those resources can be found on our website:

If you prefer your own materials or want to import content from previous years, please follow these directions.

Please submit a ticket if you have any questions.


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We know the beginning of the year is full of excitement and long to-do lists. We understand that starting with a blank Canvas course can be overwhelming. It can be stressful to try to remember how to create and link an Absent button after a summer break. As a result, we’ve included a simple, practical template in your Canvas courses. It has a homepage complete with an absent button linked to the absent page. It also includes a few more pages that teachers can quickly customize for students and families. 

Customizing the Template

Want to Add Your Content from Previous Years?