P-CCS Voicemail Changes Coming Soon

Voicemail changes coming

Beginning May 1st, your District voicemail will start syncing with your Gmail inbox. This means that actions taken in one of these systems will affect the other.


Voicemail/Gmail Functionality PRIOR to May 1, 2023

When a voicemail is left in a staff member’s District voicemail mailbox, that staff member receives an email notification with a copy of that voicemail. Actions taken, such as listening to or deleting the voicemail, in our voicemail system do not impact the email notification in Gmail. Actions taken in Gmail also do not impact our voicemail system.


Voicemail/Gmail Functionality AS OF May 1, 2023

When voicemails are left, staff will be emailed a notification in their Inbox AND actions they take on that message will affect the message stored in the District voicemail system (and vice versa).



By default the message in the Gmail account will have the VoiceMessages label applied (see image below).

The email notification will look similar to the notification shown below. Hovering over the attachment will allow you to download or save it to Google Drive. Clicking on it will allow you to listen to the voicemail message.

Like other email messages, voicemail notifications will be marked as unread when they are received. However, unlike other email messages, voicemail notifications are subject to the aging policies associated with the District’s voicemail system. The 3 points below describe what happens to unread, read, and deleted voicemail notifications in Gmail and the District’s voicemail system.

  • If a voicemail notification is opened OR left unread for 40 days, the email will be marked as read and the corresponding voicemail in the District’s voicemail system will be marked as Saved.
  • If a voicemail notification is deleted OR left as read for 60 days, the email will be moved to Trash and the corresponding voicemail in the District’s voicemail system will be marked as Deleted.
  • Deleted messages will be permanently deleted from Gmail AND the District’s voicemail system after 5 days. 



Similarly, actions taken in the District’s voicemail system will impact voicemail notifications in Gmail.

  • If a voicemail message is listened to OR left ignored for 40 days, it will be marked as Saved and the corresponding email notification will be marked as read in Gmail.
  • If a Saved voicemail message is deleted OR left ignored for 60 days, it will be marked as Deleted and the corresponding email notification will be moved to Trash in Gmail.
  • Deleted messages will be permanently deleted from the District’s voicemail system AND Gmail after 5 days.


Keeping Voicemail Messages Beyond the Defined Aging Policy

While most voicemail messages only need to be kept for a short period of time, there are some voicemails that might need to be kept for longer periods of time. To keep a voicemail message beyond the District voicemail system’s aging policy, it is recommended that you download it from Gmail to your computer. It is also possible to save the voicemail message to Drive or to forward the email to yourself.


REMINDER: Voicemail Message Quotas Still Apply 

As a reminder, your voicemail mailbox has a quota for the total amount of storage it can use. Mailbox quota warnings will be emailed out should your mailbox approach or reach its limit. Please note that once your mailbox has reached its limit, you will no longer be able to receive new voicemail messages.


The ‘Why’ for Voicemail Aging Policy and Storage Quotas

The District’s voicemail system has an aging policy and storage quotas for voicemail messages due to the total storage limit for District voicemails. While it is possible to increase the District’s total voicemail storage (up to a point), doing so would incur additional ongoing costs to the District.

Questions or Issues

If you have any questions or issues related to your District voicemail, please submit a service ticket.

BrainPop’s spring blog posts

BrainPop Blog

Below are four blog posts that BrainPop called out recently.

As any parent knows, young children are hardwired to be curious about the world around them. That means asking questions—a lot of them. Experts say that children ask an average of 40,000 questions between the ages of two and five. A typical 4-year-old might ask as many as 300 questions a day! As children get older, the questions start to wane, leaving teachers with the challenge of trying to reignite that spark of curiosity.

NWEA Monthly Newsletter

NWEA newsletter

Below are some highlights from NWEA’s latest newsletter.

75 digital tools and apps teachers can use to support formative assessment in the classroom

How consistent learning supports help math students succeed

What Daniel Pink can teach principals about timing . Good timing can help leaders succeed. In When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Daniel Pink shares research and advice on timing.

4 ways to challenge students through personalization
Personalizing instruction takes commitment and planning, but the potential rewards are worth it. There are proven practices that can streamline the process while still generating remarkable results.

Charting a course: 3 ways assessment empowers students
Providing students with a clear view of where they stand is key to building a strong teacher-student partnership. Reliable assessment data they can use to plan next steps together is a good place to start.

Get ahead of the curve: How data can improve teaching and learning
To gain insights into student learning and enhance the classroom experience, teachers are turning to the rich data produced by assessments.

REMC news and updates for April 2023

The Regional Educational Media Center Association (REMC) of Michigan promotes the transformative use of technology and provides Michigan schools with access to educational resources to help teachers increase student success. Two highlights from their April newsletter are shown below.


Meet up with others on the educational podcasting journey

REMC now offers resources, courses and workshops for edu-podcasting. Designed with classroom teachers, students, administrators and support staff in mind, our goal is to help anyone advance in their podcasting journey and to capitalize on best practices.

During the month of May, we are holding three separate online Mastermind Meetings. Sessions will be: May 9th, 16th and the 23rd.  READ MORE

REMC calendar

Plan ahead with the REMC Professional Learning Annual Calendar

If you are looking to enhance your technology integration skills, explore new instructional delivery methods or learn tips and tricks from Michigan educational practitioners – The REMC Association has something for you!  To help with your professional learning planning, we are excited to share our REMC Course schedule through June 2024.

Take a look at all course offerings and register today! Earn 10 FREE SCECHs upon completion. Simply visit www.remc.org/remc-all-events/.

Highlights from the March Google for Education newsletter

Google March Edu newsletter

Check out Google for Edu’s latest monthly newsletter HERE. Some highlights are noted below.

Celebrate Women’s History Month with Applied Digital Skills
Looking for lessons to celebrate Women’s History Month with your students? Our Celebrate Women’s History Collection helps students learn about the contributions of women to the world while building new digital skills.

Celebrate Women’s History Month with Google Arts & Culture
From the forgotten pioneers to the iconic trailblazers, celebrate women in arts and culture with the newly updated Women in Culture hub on Google Arts & Culture.

Explore AI on Digital Learning Day with Applied Digital Skills
Celebrate Digital Learning Day with our Discover AI in Daily Life lesson. Students can learn about artificial intelligence concepts using Quick, Draw!, AutoDraw, Google Translate (while you cannot use translate.google.com as the lessons show, you can use the embedded Google translate access within the search engine and forvo for pronunciation), and Google Slides.

Learn about the Maasai people from Tanzania and Kenya
Get a glimpse into the traditions and culture of the Maasai community in East Africa, from their livelihoods to architecture, craftsmanship and language, in the new dedicated hub on Google Arts & Culture.

Explore Korea’s Demilitarized Zone through its History, Nature, and Art
Learn about the history of Korea’s Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), a strip of land running across the Korean peninsula. Explore the natural beauties of the DMZ border and contemporary art inspired by the area.

Arts & Culture: Hot Spot Climate Change
27 international artists share their views on climate change in the exhibition Hot Spot, hosted by the National Gallery in Rome. Showcasing big ideas and questions on the future of the planet’s climate, you can explore and be inspired.


PAST ISSUES of the EDU Newsletter – click HERE

REMC April free PD opportunities and More

April REMC

Spring into action and take a REMC course to energize you and your classroom

You’ve made it through the cold, dark winter and soon the days will be longer and brighter! Why not give yourself some extra spring in your step by learning new skills to enhance your classroom and increase student engagement. REMC courses offer 10 FREE SCECHs and can be taken from the convenience of your home and when the time is right for you.

Registration deadline is Thursday, April 6th, each course begins on Monday, April 10th. Through the support of REMC SAVE’s vendor partners, all courses are FREE and there are no SCECH fees. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn, connect, collaborate and grow with REMC courses.

Check out April 2023 courses here:

Register by Thursday, April 6th. You will receive a welcome email with the course information prior to the course start date. If you have questions or need further assistance with your course registration, please click here.

REMC PD offerings

REMC offers a look ahead at course offerings to help you plan your professional learning

If you are looking to enhance your technology integration skills, explore new instructional delivery methods or learn tips and tricks from Michigan educational practitioners – the REMC Association has something for you!  To help with your professional learning planning, we are excited to share our REMC Course schedule through August 2023.

Take a look at all course offerings and register today! Earn 10 FREE SCECHs upon completion. Simply visit www.remc.org/remc-all-events/.

Technology housekeeping before break, please and thanks!

Tech break checklist

Happy Spring Break all!

For those of you about to begin a well deserved spring break, which we hope will be all you hope for and a bit more, before you leave Friday afternoon…

WOULD YOU PLEASE SECURE ALL VALUABLES in the classrooms and office spaces you inhabit. This includes laptops, document cameras, Apple TVs, remotes, and interactive pens.

Further, would you please make sure all iPads and Chromebooks are in their carts and those CARTS ARE LOCKED and plugged in before leaving.

Finally, would you please also POWER OFF any of the following equipment, if it is equipment you handle:

  • projectors
  • sound amps
  • SmartBoards
  • desktop computers
  • monitors
  • printers

THANK YOU for your cooperation.

Illuminate DNA Updates – Item Banks

Illuminate DnA has recently made some updates making item banks even more useful to you! Explore this slidedeck to see the updates:

If you’re unfamiliar – Illuminate DnA is an Online Achievement System built on Assessments, Data and Learning Tools, as well as Special Education Systems. Staff access illuminate by logging into MistarQ and clicking on Menu >Analysis >Mistar-DnA. Through Illuminate DnA staff can enter test scores, pull questions from item banks to create assessments, and use the data inside Illuminate to monitor student progress. Need more help with Illuminate DnA? Check out these resources from Jonathan Flukes, Dir. Of Data, Assess. Research & Evals.

Staying Safe in the Digital Age: How to Spot and Avoid Spear Phishing Attacks

spear phishing

Recently, we have noticed a surge in spear phishing campaigns targeting our staff members. These malicious attempts have originated from both external sources and compromised accounts within neighboring school districts. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of vigilance when it comes to email communication and provide tips on how to spot and avoid these types of phishing attacks.


Understanding Spear Phishing

Spear phishing is a highly targeted form of phishing attack in which cybercriminals use email or other electronic communications to deceive individuals into providing sensitive information or downloading malware. These attacks often appear to be from a trusted source, such as a colleague or a known organization. In our recent incidents, the attackers have been sharing documents, typically PDFs, that redirect users to malicious code when opened. Other recent spear phishing attempts have been from those claiming to be our superintendent, various principals or board members with an urgent request for select staffers to assist them with purchases or information.

Check the Sender’s Email Address

Always examine the sender’s email address, even if the email appears to come from a trusted source. Cybercriminals often create email addresses that look similar to legitimate ones but may have slight differences, such as extra characters or misspellings. If you notice anything unusual about the sender’s email address, do not open any attachments or click on any links.

Scrutinize Email Content

Phishing emails often contain subtle clues that something is not quite right. Look for unusual language, grammatical errors, or a sense of urgency that does not seem genuine. Be cautious of emails that request sensitive information or urge you to take immediate action.

Beware of Unexpected Attachments and Links

Be cautious when opening attachments or clicking on links in emails, especially if they are unexpected. Spear phishing campaigns often use malicious attachments or links to compromise your computer or steal your information. Instead of clicking on a link, manually type the website address into your browser to ensure you are visiting a legitimate site.

Verify Requests for Sensitive Information

If an email requests sensitive information or asks you to take an unusual action, always verify the request with the sender through a different communication channel. For example, if you receive an email from a colleague asking for your login credentials, call them to confirm the request is legitimate and if so, kindly remind them that login credentials should never be shared.

Keep Your Software Updated

While devices maintained by the district are automatically updated, it is important to note that your personal devices are just as important to protect. Regularly update your operating system, antivirus software, and other applications to ensure that you have the latest security patches. This can help protect your computer from malware that may be delivered through spear phishing attacks.

Report Suspicious Emails

If you suspect that an email is a phishing attempt, report it via gmail. If you have accidently clicked on a potentially malicious link or downloaded a potentially malicious file, please submit a service request.


Spear phishing attacks can have serious consequences, including the loss of sensitive information and compromised computer systems. By staying vigilant and following the tips outlined above, you can help protect yourself and our school district from these threats. Remember, when it comes to cybersecurity, we’re all in this together!