Chrome toolbar customization

Chrome 132, the first major update of 2025, brings a long-awaited feature: customizable toolbars for desktop users.

How to Customize:

  • Access Customization: On the New Tab Page, click “Customize Chrome” in the bottom right corner.
  • Choose Your Tools: Select the buttons you want to appear to the left or right of the address bar from the following categories:
    • Navigation: Home, Forward
    • Your Chrome: Password Manager, Bookmarks, Reading List, History, Delete Browsing Data
    • Tools & Actions: Print, Search with Google Lens, Translate, Create QR Code, Reading Mode, Copy Link, Send to your devices
  • Rearrange and Enjoy: Drag and drop icons to organize your toolbar. Most will open in the convenient side panel.

menu to customize Chrome toolbar

Teacher Tips:

  • “Send to your devices” is helpful to send links from your phone to your laptop (if both logged into Chrome)
  • “Search with Google Lens” provides quick access to visual information, perfect for exploring images and concepts.
  • Create QR Code: No need for a fancy extension, Chrome can generate a QR code for you.
  • Enhance Workflow: Pin frequently used tools like “Bookmarks” or “History” for easy access.
  • Translate: Support multilingual learners with quick access to translate materials.

Note: Toolbar customizations sync across all your desktop Chrome browsers.

To Update Chrome:

  1. Click the three-dot menu in the top right corner.
  2. Go to “Settings.”
  3. In the left sidebar, select “About Chrome.”

By customizing the Chrome toolbar, teachers can create a more efficient and personalized browsing experience.

Important Note: This is available on desktops and laptops but is not currently available for Chromebooks. Hopefully, it will be incorporated soon so students can take advantage of these features.

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