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Each year, the “Google expert of Michigan.” John Sowash puts on a conference called miGoogle. This has been hosted in several locations and this year it will be at Northville High School. Even better, it takes place on November 5th, a non-school day. The day will feature workshops led by local educators on a variety of Google topics related to education. Lunch is also included. The keynote is Dave Stuart Jr. speaking on “The Will to Learn: Cultivating Student Motivation in a Hyperconnected, AI-powered Age.” The keynote topic is described as:

“Students only learn when they do work with care. Whether that work is listening, or writing, or reading, or creating — the work, done with care, is what produces transformation. So, here’s the question: as we continue teaching in an AI-powered, hyperconnected age, how do we cultivate a genuine, strong care for learning in our students’ hearts? In this keynote, we’ll explore the Five Key Beliefs and how to cultivate them in the classroom.”

While the district is looking into ways to send some P-CCS educators, if this feels like a “can’t miss” opportunity then you might consider submitting a proposal to present at the conference! Approved speakers can get free admission to conference and a t-shirt, plus a bag full of goodies. Submit your session proposal by October 1. https://www.miedtech.com/rfp/

Learn more here: https://www.miedtech.com/


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