Locating Your 2020-21 School Year Canvas Courses

Image of selecting course content to copy

When you next login to Canvas, you may be looking for your courses from last year (the recently ended 2020-21 school year). To find them click on the Courses button on the Global Navigation menu and then “All Courses” to arrive at http://pccsk12.instructure.com/courses. At the bottom of that page you will find “Past Enrollments.”

Visual of buttons needed to access courses

The courses in “Past Enrollments” are view only, including the copies you made per our directions in another blog post. In order to edit your course and start making updates for the 21-22 school year, you need create a new course and copy last year’s content into it.

August 27, 2021 Update: You do not have to create a sandbox course. You can start at step 2 and import your old course directly into your 21-22, MiStar-created course.


Two ways to create a course

Give your course a name and then import existing content into the course.


Giving the course a name


Import existing content


Image of selecting course content to copyTo watch these steps in video format: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvR3xt3RIVw

Please reach out to a Technology Integration Specialist if you need assistance.

Second Notice: End of the Year Tech Checklist

As you make plans to close up your classroom for the summer (and a well deserved break), please take care of the following items:

  1. Copy your Canvas courses so you don’t lose any content! https://tech.pccsk12.com/second-notice-end-of-the-year-canvas-support-action-required/
  2. Please comply with the directions of your principal and main office to turn in or secure all classroom technology equipment such as document cameras, microphones, interactive pens, and remotes. 
  3. Please also secure or take home all District-assigned devices (laptop, Chromebook, iPad, etc.), as well as all personally-owned devices..
    • If you are leaving the District, complete this form.
  4. Power off projectors/IFPs, sound amps, and desktop computers.
    • You may leave printer and copiers plugged in and powered on
  5. Follow the care suggestions for classroom audio

Virtual Academy Teachers: Please return monitors and other borrowed equipment, such as document cameras to the Board Office. You may drop off during these hours:

  • Through June 11: 1:30-3:00 pm each day
  • Week of June 14: Monday through Thursday, 9:00-11:00 am and 1:00-3:00 pm
  • No drop off availability June 18-July 5

Thanks for your cooperation!

End of the Year Tech Equipment Checklist

As you make plans to close up your classroom for the summer (and a well deserved break), please take care of the following items:

  1. Copy your Canvas courses so you don’t lose any content! https://tech.pccsk12.com/second-notice-end-of-the-year-canvas-support-action-required/
  2. Please comply with the directions of your principal and main office to turn in or secure all classroom technology equipment such as document cameras, microphones, interactive pens, and remotes. 
  3. Please also secure or take home all District-assigned devices (laptop, Chromebook, iPad, etc.), as well as all personally-owned devices..
    • If you are leaving the District, complete this form.
  4. Power off projectors/IFPs, sound amps, and desktop computers.
    • You may leave printer and copiers plugged in and powered on
  5. Follow the care suggestions for classroom audio

Thanks for your cooperation!

Second Notice: End of the Year Canvas Support-Action Required

Make a copy of your Canvas course

*PLEASE NOTE: In early August, ALL MISTAR created courses will un-sync and therefore courses will be deleted off of dashboards. Please make sure you follow the directions below to ensure all work (assignments, discussions, videos, etc.) will save correctly.

With Canvas being utilized for the foreseeable future, and with the end of the year approaching, we wanted to pass along some directions on how to ensure that your course(s) and work created this year can be used for next Fall.  The directions below will enable you to copy your course into a “Sandbox” type course, so when you return in the Fall, all you will need to do is import your “Sandbox” course, into your MISTAR rostered course.

Watch the less than 3-minute video below or watch it on YouTube. https://youtu.be/ibyFUeqSurY

Printable PDF directions

Optional, further back up step: For Directions on saving your course to your computer/google drive click here

End of Year Reflective Portfolio Assignment

As we approach the end of the school year, it is a great practice to have students reflect on their work and learning. It also serves as an indicator for you about what lessons and activities had the most impact on students.

John Sowash on his blog, Chromebook Classroom recommends that you use Google Slides for the portfolio and have students insert audio on each slide (or they could record a screencast with Canvas Studio). He suggests three questions:

  • What was your favorite assignment?
  • What’s one thing you learned this year?
  • What is your favorite memory from the school year?

You might also ask a question about how COVID-19 impacted their school year.

To see examples and get more information about how students might create these, visit his blog post or reach out to a Technology Integration Specialist.

Nearly unrelated, but because some might wish to use Google Documents instead for this exercise or down the road, please know that you can or will soon be able to create and import documents that contain images above or behind text in Google Docs — a welcome feature to be sure!

See this announcement for more on this new feature: https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2021/05/images-above-or-behind-text-in-google-docs.html

End of the Year Canvas Support – Action Required

Make a copy of your Canvas course

*PLEASE NOTE: In early August, ALL MISTAR created courses will un-sync and therefore courses will be deleted off of dashboards. Please make sure you follow the directions below to ensure all work (assignments, discussions, videos, etc.) will save correctly.

With Canvas being utilized for the foreseeable future, and with the end of the year approaching, we wanted to pass along some directions on how to ensure that your course(s) and work created this year can be used for next Fall.  The directions below will enable you to copy your course into a “Sandbox” type course, so when you return in the Fall, all you will need to do is import your “Sandbox” course, into your MISTAR rostered course.

Watch the less than 3-minute video below or watch it on YouTube. https://youtu.be/ibyFUeqSurY

Printable PDF directions

Optional, further back up step: For Directions on saving your course to your computer/google drive click here

New Canvas Feature: PDF Assignment Annotation

Image of update

Coming Saturday, 5/15/2021, an exciting update to Canvas! Instructors can now use an annotated assignment type for students. If you have a PDF that you want students to write on, you’ll be able to upload that in assignments and there will be functionality for students to mark-up and submit directly in Canvas.

Image of update

A few notes to consider:

  • Cannot be used for Group Assignments
  • The teacher needs to upload the document for annotation, the students can’t upload and annotate their own
  • Although annotations are supported in the Canvas Student app, this specific assignment type is not currently supported for mobile devices. If instructors want students to be able to annotate a document via the mobile app, they should also use the File Uploads submission type and provide the original file in the assignment description for students to download and annotate in the app.

Read more about the update here.

View the release video here.


Interactive, Beautiful Images with Canva and Thinglink

Link to Canva/Thinglink examples

Canva: A fantastic tool for creating graphics. The service offers teachers free premium accounts. When you sign up you will see that they have amazing templates for Education.

ThingLink: A tool that allows you to place “hot spots” on images to result in an interactive learning experience. These can be easily embedded onto your Canvas page. Click here to view an example.

Now these tools have partnered to make it even easier for you to create interactive, beautiful images that can immerse students in a topic. See below to see how a 5th grade Math teacher has used them to guide her virtual students. Click on it to go to the interactive experience.

Link to Canva/Thinglink examples

Or see this Primary teacher from Scotland uses thinglink to guide her young students through a lesson on writing sentences.

Link to primary Thinglink example

If you are interested in learning more about how to use these tools you can read Canva’s blog post, view the webinar, or check out this creation. As always, you can reach out to your Technology Integration Specialist to get your own, personalized tutorial.

Spring Inspiration: Get Students Creating!

Link to inspiration resources and lessons

As May approaches and we anticipate the rest of the year, it is a great time to encourage students to create to show all they have learned. There are so many unique ways for students to produce and publish something meaningful. Here are just a few tools and ideas.

WeVideo: WeVideo is a video editor built for all skill levels! When you get started, it will ask you a few questions about your comfort level with video editing and provide you with a dashboard that fits you. They have also rolled out real-time collaboration so students can work together. *WeVideo premium is available at the middle schools.

Canva: Canva is a great tool for graphic design. They offer free, premium accounts for educators. Students can learn design tips and use templates to create eye-catching posters, logos, and social media graphics. Maybe you could have students design the buttons and theme for next school year’s Canvas page. All students can access Canva via our Clever portal – https://clever.com/in/pccs.

Adobe Spark: Adobe Spark is similar to Canva, but I believe it is a great tool for walking students through a video creation process. Teachers and secondary students, when you are ready to get started with Adobe Spark, you can log in by following the instructions at http://links.pccsk12.com/adobespark.

Below is a tutorial made by students about how to make a video using Adobe Spark. https://youtu.be/UsH5-rcnSRg

Podcasts: Have students create their own podcasts. They can prepare episodes to help review material for upcoming exams or advice for next year’s class. When creating the assignment, select the submission option of “Media Recording.” For the best results, student recordings should be less than 15 minutes. If you want them to be longer, reach out for other tool recommendations.

Looking for ideas that will inspire your students? The teachers behind HyperDocs have curated some resources to get the juices flowing with recommended lessons to go with them. Click the image below to explore.

Link to inspiration resources and lessons