Issue reported: Canvas displaying incorrectly!



If you’ve logged into Canvas and noticed an odd looking menu, extra spacing that shouldn’t be there, text not displaying correctly, you’re not alone. This issue is occurring due to a recent update to the Read and Write Extension from Google. Canvas and Google are working on fixing this glitch, but there is not yet a timeline on a fix.

Temporarily, to avoid display issues in Canvas, we recommend these options:

  • Staff can use the Microsoft Edge Browser instead of Chrome. When using Edge, there should be no display issues. If on a Mac, using Safari also presents no display issues.
  • Staff and students can turn off the Google Read and Write Extension when it is not needed.

How to turn off the Google Read and Write Extension: 

  1. Click on the 3 dots on the upper right of your chrome browser
  2. Select More Tools > Extensions
  3. Locate the ReadWrite extension
  4. Turn off the extension
  5. Refresh your page
  6. If you later need it, you can retrace your steps and re-enable it.

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