In case your Google apps launcher (waffle) isn’t available or doesn’t show the app icons you were expecting, please consider browsing to your Google apps dashboard https://gsuite.google.com/dashboard instead or log in directly to the specific app, such as the three shown below, with the urls below.
CANVAS — https://pccsk12.instructure.com
FRONTLINE — https://login.frontlineeducation.com/sso/plymouthcanton
ZOOM — https://pccsk12.zoom.us/signin OR https://zoom.us/signin and click Sign in with Google
While not in the apps launcher, another app that some staff have asked for the URL is
RUBICON ATLAS — https://pccsk12.rubiconatlas.org/Atlas/Authentication/View/Login?idp=5
We will have this information and more app links: Browse to the DIGITAL TEACHING HUB and bookmark that site for future reference.