Please note — teachers who are leaving the district, graduating seniors, and any and all other students who will not be enrolled in the district next school year — access to their district Google accounts will be permanently suspended beginning in August 2019. Teachers and staff, please help us remind our graduating seniors and outgoing staff that this is the case.
As a reminder, all district Google account holders, including students, are able to transfer copies of their documents and emails to a non-district* Google Account and/or download their data.
If you are interested in Google’s free TRANSFER service, please see this help guide.
If interested in Google’s FREE DOWNLOAD service, please see this help guide. Both of these services work via Google TakeOut and are quick and easy to initiate.
For those whose accounts will be suspended, please consider alerting important contacts with whom you may correspond, that your email address will no longer work later this summer and provide them with whatever might be your new email address as soon as possible to avoid lapses in communication. If you need any additional assistance with this, please contact your building tech integration specialist richard.coughlin@pccsk12.com OR matthew.smoot@pccsk12.com.