I know you’ve been using Google Classroom for some time now, but maybe you don’t realize the power of the Google Classroom mobile app for iOS and Android devices. By now, you know that Google Classroom can streamline your classroom paper workflow and is a powerful tool for giving students feedback, but did you know that you can use a stylus with the Google Classroom app, that allows you to “write” virtually on student work submitted through Classroom? You can highlight, circle, add hand written comments and even words of encouragements! It’s awesome. As a former middle school Language Arts teacher, this tool would have been indispensable to me. I wouldn’t miss hauling a giant bag full of essays home. Just my trusty iPad!
NEW 2018 Google Classroom Updates for Desktop (detailed overview)
How to use Google Classroom (iPad App)
Manage teaching and learning with Classroom
-Rick Coughlin