For those interested in furthering your DnA knowledge and skills, all of the training sessions offered are free of charge and most are virtual.
Please click on the link to view and register for the following Illuminate DnA virtual PD sessions (the descriptions of a few are shown below) and there are still more offered that aren’t listed below:
- Creating and Administering Assessments in Illuminate DnA
- This hands-on session will teach participants who to create and administer various types of assessments available in Illuminate DnA including Skills Assessments, Flexible Assessments, Item-Bank Assessments, online testing, and paper/pencil testing.
- Creating Summary Assessments & Custom Reports for Beginner
- Creating the Individual Reading Improvement Plan (IRIPs) and Other Form Letters
- Illuminate DnA provides powerful tools to support literacy assessments and data analysis. In this session, participants will explore the 3rd grade reading legislation and consider methods for tracking and reporting early literacy data using the form letter option with their district’s existing IRIP letter. Participants can also bring other letters or forms they wish to pre-populate using the data stored in DnA. Multiple resources will be shared along with time for hands-on exploration.
- DnA Tips and Tricks
- This hands-on session will focus on how to quickly navigate Illuminate DnA, access help guides and training videos, locate students, student profiles, and more.
- Effective Use of Reports & Data in Illuminate to Support Continuous Improvement
- Illuminate DnA Open Lab AM and PM Sessions