Kaizena feedback-laden Google add-on tool is now installed


Kaizena, another tool (apart from Read&Write for Google) for staff to provide feedback to students within various Google apps, is now installed and available for staff and student use when logged into their Google accounts.  Kaziena helps students, teachers, and administrators provide effective and relevant feedback for diverse learners. Its features include: text comments, voice comments, lessons (small micro-units of learning), and skills and rubrics.

Information and videos on getting started and using the add-on can be found at https://help.kaizena.com/en/collections/60518-kaizena-for-google-docs 

Easy to associate micro lessons, another feature of the add-on, are described at https://www.kaizena.com/features/lessons 

Below are a 2 minute overview video and one that showcases the feedback options:

Email Safety Tips slides

As the use of online communication has increased for so many of us, here are some email safety tips/reminders in visual form.

Check out the latest AI&T Newsletter- PDF Reader in Read&Write for Google

Our Assistive and Instructional Technology colleagues have a spring newsletter staff are invited to check out. Their main website can be found at https://pccsa-it.weebly.com/ and their Read & Write for Google website can be found at https://sites.google.com/pccsk12.com/rw4g-pccs/ 

Pictures of the newsletter are below. Click on the link to go to the actual newsletter where features are described with hotlinks to videos showcasing those features.

February newsletterFebruary newsletter page 2https://www.canva.com/design/DADy5KzWpkI/Zm55pKeeg1a92SGFPvoQRg/view?utm_content=DADy5KzWpkI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=homepage_design_menu

No-cost ebooks & audiobooks to support student readers now available for ALL K-12 P-CCS Students

Sora app

The online Sora app was designed around the modern student reading experience. This app, developed and curated by Overdrive, empowers students to discover and enjoy ebooks and audiobooks, for both leisure and class-assigned reading. ALL STUDENTS in schools that don’t already have an OverDrive subscription AND ALL STAFF can now log into our Sora page using their Google Accounts at http://links.pccsk12.com/sora and begin checking out ebooks!

Students at all of our middle schools and three of our elementary schools already have OverDrive and Sora account access and should continue to access their collections as they normally have in the past, with the new knowledge that all of the additional premium titles our district account has access to also have been added to their respective school’s collections. For those uncertain how students can access Sora and your schools’ OverDrive account, please contact your school’s media specialist.

Inspired by educator and student feedback, Sora was created to excite kids about reading and remove distractions to promote a focus on learning.

Once logged in, students are able to “check out” for free one or more ebooks from a selection of more than  200 premium ebook titles, some with audio accompaniment.  Sign in to see what’s available or browse this list of titles that were available earlier in the month. The selection of what’s free and available for unlimited simultaneous check out changes monthly, and while access to some of the premium titles will end in late June, access to some titles will continue throughout the coming school year.

Below are some of the available titles and a brief introductory video.

Thursday, 4/23, spend 30 minutes to learn 10 Must-Have Apps and Extensions for Google Classroom

Time sensitive – Happening today, Thursday, April 23rd, so heads up. This swift-paced free session (offered from 10:30 am – 11 am and again at noon – 12:30 pm) is a very efficient use of 30 minutes! Join Google Certified teacher Matt Bergman for a fun and exciting session that will leave you walking away with 10 new tools to implement in your Google Classroom immediately. He will introduce the tools, show you how to use them, and provide practical classroom examples of when you might want to use ’em.

Register and more info here: https://simplek12.lpages.co/event-10googleapps-v1/

This is sponsored by SimpleK12, a site and service that offers PD. While this is a free session and no purchase is necessary, should you sign up, you might get future email alerts for both free webinars they offer as well as ones that involve a subscription that they will encourage you to purchase.  To learn more about their offerings, including future free webinars, visit https://www.simplek12.com/tier/free-event/

Some of their upcoming free events…

free simplek12 events

Both MACUL and MDE offer Guidelines for Helping Classroom Teachers Transition to Online Learning

MACUL online guidelines

The Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) has composed and shared useful guidelines around supportive considerations in a successful transition to online learning.  Please browse to https://macul.org/online-learning-guidelines/ to check them out.

The Michigan Dept of Ed’s (MDE) Learning at a DISTANCE Guidance is billed as [a] largely teacher-written effort to help address the immediate needs of staff who must address the immediate needs of children – at a distance – during a pandemic.

Tech Integration Is Here to Help

As a tech integration team, we want to ensure that every person that belongs to the P-CCS community feels supported and they have all the tools they need to be successful during this challenging time. The team has been working around the clock to create various resources that are user-friendly, reliable, and relevant to the work that we are doing every day. Below you will find four resources that will help you support your students.

  1. The Home Learning Hub Unveiled in early April, this site is designed for parents and is updated on a weekly basis. The newest change to the site is the Family Tech Resources section. On its main page and its sub pages, parents and students can find information on our learning platforms including Google Classroom, Seesaw, Clever, and Read and Write for Google. If parents have questions on these platforms or any other questions regarding technology, please consider directing them to this site: https://sites.google.com/pccsk12.com/hlh/home
  2. The Home Teaching Hub Teaching in an online space can be similar to face to face, but is also different. We have created this site for you as educators. On the hub’s pages are targeted supports for the above platforms, remote teaching resources, and online PD. We hope you find the information on this page useful. To access the site visit https://sites.google.com/pccsk12.com/hth/home
  3. Virtual Office Hours Both Rick and Matt are available for one on one support. We have created a program with Calendly where you can schedule a time to meet with either of us.
    • Virtual Office Hours: 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. But we can sometimes accommodate different times.
    • Once confirmed, Calendly will automatically create a Google Meet and you can add it to your calendar.
    • To access the Calendly, visit https://calendly.com/tis-pccs/15min.
  4. Webinars (Coming Soon)- We will soon start offering weekly webinars that focus on what is going on in the “classrooms.” This could include topics such as “How to engage learners online with Google Classroom” or “How to differentiate for online learners using Seesaw.” Please be on the lookout for calendar invites and posts in the Home Teaching Hub and on the blog.

We hope that this information helps you navigate how to teach in an online environment!


Matt and Rick

Michigan Virtual’s courses and their Michigan Cares Portal

For the remainder of this school year, Michigan Virtual is offering the content of over 70 of their high-quality online courses FREE to educators and parents as a resource to supplement student learning.

Courses are available for students in Grades 6-12, and each course’s content includes all digital lessons; however, it does not include assessments and is non-credit bearing. It is intended to provide educators and parents with enrichment materials they can use to keep students engaged and learning during school closures.

To learn more and to register, visit Michigan Virtual at https://lc.michiganvirtual.org/


The Michigan Cares Portal offers Michigan families and educators FREE digital lessons designed to help students in grades K-12 develop the skills required for social, emotional, and mental well-being. Includes lessons, videos, websites, articles, and interactive multimedia that can be used on any device. All content is aligned to CASEL outcomes.

To learn more and to register for a free staff, student, or parent/guardian account, visit the Michigan Cares website at https://michiganvirtual.org/sel/michigan-cares/

OTIS by Teq Online Professional Development

Teq Online Professional Development service for instructional staff is designed to boost classroom technology skills for heightened student engagement and improved instruction. Teq’s Online Technology and Instructional Sessions (OTIS) for educators™ offers dynamic, relevant, and convenient professional development around educational technology, STEM, social-emotional learning, literacy, ENL/ELL, and more.

How Do I Access OTIS?

  1. Navigate to Clever: links.pccsk12.com/cl

  2.  Log in with your district Google account

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Clever Portal and click on the Opd icon

  4. OPD
  5. You will then auto-log into OTIS
  6. Navigate to the “Playlists” for P-CCS suggested lessons, or check out the “Course Library” to find your own lessons of interest. Happy learning!

What is “Ask OTIS?”


You will notice this icon when logged into OTIS. Just “ASK OTIS”  is there to connect with a Teq PD Specialist for one-on-one guidance on integrating your tech into instruction or simply on how to use OTIS’s online PD features. If you want help with technology that is P-CCS specific, you can also make an appointment with a Tech Integration Specialist by clicking on the 1:1 Support Calendar icon.

For more learning, visit the P-CCS Home Teaching Hub: https://sites.google.com/pccsk12.com/hth/

District Windows laptops with blue alert box

If you have a district laptop, at some point before the school year ends, you may see a blue alert window declaring Your Windows license will expire soon; You need to activate Windows in settings. There is no need to panic.

Windows licensing issue

To reset your license for another 180 days of use, when convenient within two weeks of first seeing that warning, head to any district building with your laptop. You don’t need to actually enter the building, you just need to be close enough to have the laptop connect to the district Wi-Fi. It’s even possible at some of our locations to remain in your car and still be close enough to get a signal. While remaining connected to the district Wi-Fi (either PCCSK12- Secure or PCCSK12-Staff), completely restart the laptop, then log into it and make sure it completes the log in process. Surf somewhere to confirm that you remained connected. Doing this should suffice to reset the license counter for months and you’re good to leave, mission accomplished.

If you still cannot get the alert to go away after doing the above, please submit a service ticket and our department can assist you with other steps to take.