Useful Sites

In no particular order, here is another smattering of websites that instructional staff might find have a use case…

If you want to add a little pizazz to your QR codes, simply check out this site, use the Web App, and upload a photo! Four+ artsy styles to choose from.

QR Code

Help Students Visualize Concepts and Content with Icons
Icons are more than just simple graphics. They help us understand things about the world around us, but without words. Think of common warning and caution signs. Our brains can decipher these symbols in a more meaningful way. The Noun Project just released some awesome FREE teacher templates….as well as helpful collections. Free accounts can download high quality transparent PNGs with attribution.

You can mostly find this information with a quick Google search, but this is a fun site to bookmark. It gives you the exact time wherever you are in the world. You can also see and search for world cities.
Toy Theater

Useful websites

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