Canva – the Educator Must have tool!

Canva for Education is a free digital design tool in which students and teachers can create posters, websites, flyers, videos, collaborative whiteboards, documents, lesson plans, infographics, worksheets, and more! Canva works to make the process of design simplified so anyone can create!

As a P-CCS staff member or student you can access your free Canva account through the waffle. Just click on the Canva Icon!

You can also access Canva

  1. Through the Google dashboard at
  2. Sign in with Google on Canva’s website at


Want to learn more about using Canva?

Matt Smoot, PCCS technology integration specialist, has designed 2 asynchronous Professional Developments in Canvas Catalog

Kasey Bell – Shake Up Learning – has a few blog posts (or podcast episodes if you prefer to listen!) about it too


Still want more? Put in a tech request for technology integration and Matt Smoot or Shannon Way are happy to help!

Read and Write Extension Update fixes Canvas Formatting Issue

Last week a blog post was sent out with information on the Read & Write extension tool causing formatting issues with Canvas. Texthelp(Read & Write) has released a hotfix to the chrome extension which fixes the formatting issue.

If you are still experiencing this formatting issue, we ask you attempt the following:

  1. Please restart your computer. By restarting the computer and reopening Chrome, the system will attempt to auto update the chrome extension. Please wait a couple of minutes before checking Canvas to see if formatting has been fixed.
  2. If Canvas still shows a formatting issue, you will need to force an update with the Read and Write extension.

This link will take you to a slide presentation that has step-by-step instructions to uninstall the chrome extension and reinstall

Please submit a tech ticket if you continue to have issues, or need assistance with the above instructions

Reminders for Semester 2/ Quarter 3 Canvas Courses

Publishing Canvas Courses

As a reminder, please publish your Semester 2/ Quarter 3 courses in Canvas.

  • Students only have access to Published courses.  If a course is Unpublished they will not see it on their dashboard. Please note that you if you publish a course you cannot unpublish a course after you have assigned something to a student.
  • Reminder: It is a contractual obligation to have your course published and an absent support page available to students/families.

Reminder: Customizing Your Canvas Dashboard

As the new semester has begun, some courses may look like they’re not on canvas, when really they’re just not on the Dashboard. Students and staff can all customize the dashboard to show only the courses they wish to see. To customize the teacher or student dashboard to show certain courses please see the graphic below:




Canvas Displaying Incorrectly? – Read for a Temporary Fix

Issue reported: Canvas displaying incorrectly!



If you’ve logged into Canvas and noticed an odd looking menu, extra spacing that shouldn’t be there, text not displaying correctly, you’re not alone. This issue is occurring due to a recent update to the Read and Write Extension from Google. Canvas and Google are working on fixing this glitch, but there is not yet a timeline on a fix.

Temporarily, to avoid display issues in Canvas, we recommend these options:

  • Staff can use the Microsoft Edge Browser instead of Chrome. When using Edge, there should be no display issues. If on a Mac, using Safari also presents no display issues.
  • Staff and students can turn off the Google Read and Write Extension when it is not needed.

How to turn off the Google Read and Write Extension: 

  1. Click on the 3 dots on the upper right of your chrome browser
  2. Select More Tools > Extensions
  3. Locate the ReadWrite extension
  4. Turn off the extension
  5. Refresh your page
  6. If you later need it, you can retrace your steps and re-enable it.

What’s new on IXL – January 2023

IXL New features

IXL has compiled a list of their top new features to help you students and staff get the most out of IXL.

Keep reading below for a roundup of releases from the past month, including video tutorials for English language arts skills, mobile support for IXL games, iPhone app support for the Real-Time Diagnostic, and more! To stay current with our latest updates, follow IXL on FacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Table of contents

Major releases

English language arts video tutorials

Lights, camera, action: English language arts video tutorials have arrived! IXL now has videos for nearly half of our pre-kindergarten and kindergarten Reading Foundations skills. These tutorials help students learn how to read in a fun, engaging, and effective way. They provide research-based direct instruction for early literacy skills like phonemic awareness, phonics, and sight words, and they align with the science of reading.

Like IXL’s math video tutorials, these videos can be accessed from the practice page of their associated skills by clicking the “Watch a tutorial” link. Check out a few examples below:

We will continue to release more pre-K and kindergarten videos in the coming months.

IXL ELA video tutorials

View Grades and Submissions for ‘Concluded’ Students in Canvas(Repost from January 2021)

This post is for teachers who do not “see” some of their students in Canvas because those students’ enrollments have ‘concluded’. Enrollments are concluded, for example, as students move from one school track to another (e.g. between Virtual and Safe Start schools). If you are unable to “see” some students, there are three areas in Canvas (via Grade or People in the Course Navigation Menu or via User Details) to do so. We recommend using the Grades option described below.

Option 1: Grades (in the Course Navigation Menu)

For concluded student enrollments, all content in the Gradebook is read only and cannot be changed. You will need to input any grades into MISTAR manually that weren’t already moved via grade passback when the student was still active.

To see the grades of students who have concluded their enrollment in your Canvas course, do the following:

Open Grades



view concluded

HINT: Be sure to drag the right side dividing line of the Student Name column so that you can see both the entire student name AND the label “concluded”.

The above guidance is from:

Option 2: People (in the Navigation Menu)

As with the Gradebook, individual grades can also be viewed through this approach.


prior enrollments

prior enrollments more


Option 3: User Details

As with active students, you can review grades and other details of your concluded users. Please see for elaboration.

Navigating Professional Development with Canvas Catalog

Need to know how to enroll in a course? Want to remember what courses you took in previous years? Want a record of PD for yourself? View the PCCS Canvas Catalog Guide to get all your catalog questions answered!

Preparing your Canvas Pages for the Second Semester

Especially for those that have a first semester or Quarter 2 Canvas course ending soon, here are some Canvas considerations:

  1. For high school Semester 1 / Q2 courses, Teachers will have access to make edits, give feedback, and grade assignments in Canvas until 11:59 pm on February 1, 2023 (middle school date is January 31, 2023). After that date, the course will have read-only access. For Year Long courses, read and write access will remain until the end of the school year with the exception of grades for the past terms. Grades will not be editable.
  2. High school students will have access to participate in FIRST SEMESTER courses until 11:59 pm on January 30, 2023 (middle school date is January 27, 2023).  After that date, students will have read-only access to the course (with the exception of quiz questions to which they will not have access).
    • If you do not want students to have read-only access, you will need to update your course settings.
    • If you want to extend student access past 1/30 for assignment submissions, see #4 below.
  3. Students will continue to have access in Year Long Courses to submit assignments with due dates in the first semester unless you have an available until date of JAN. 30 or earlier.  You can edit those dates in bulk by following the steps here.
  4. By default, students enrolled in a Canvas course will lose access to submit material when the course ends. To extend access for students to a Canvas course past the term end date, you must make the adjustment PRIOR to the last day of the course while their enrollment is active. Access cannot be reinstated after a course concludes. If you want to extend access to your students to be able to submit coursework towards a first semester / quarter 2 Canvas course, you will need to change the end date in your course settings to override the term end date in the system at least 2 days prior to the end of the term so it is captured in subsequent syncs. See for more guidance on this matter. An assignment’s available until date may also need to be adjusted. Please note, you will need to bear in mind MISTAR syncing will end due to grade submission deadlines and you may have to work with your records office to update a report card if submitted late work results in a grade change.
  5. Teachers can copy the content from their Semester 1 / Quarter 2 course to their Semester 2 course (and beyond) even after the course has concluded.
  6. TEACHERS please remember to PUBLISH your Semester 2 / Quarter 3 courses no later than the start of the term.
  7. If you’re considering cross listing your courses, please revisit this blog post 

Another random handful of web resources that might be of interest

Useful Sites

ChartR offers visual stories told by charts either on their site or sent to your inbox via newsletter (subscribe for free).  Just one newsletter story chart is linked below.ChartR


Terms of Service I didn’t Read is a site that helps call out some of the terms of service for many popular websites/services to better inform those that visit/use those sites/services.


Nyx Gallery showcases completely AI generated images. Even though the images look photorealistic they are not copies or mixtures of existing images on the web. The ever growing number of images on this website can be downloaded and used for both commercial or non-commercial purposes, with or without attribution.


The Open Library  is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Read, borrow, and discover more than 3M books for free.


The Pole Clock is a customizable, multi-timezone clock. By imaginging that the face is the earth viewed from the South Pole, the hour hands move in sync to show the time in each city and their relative difference.


The Free Learning List is a directory to help someone discover helpful education resources on the internet. It includes links to free courses, podcasts, Youtube channels, how-to websites and many more.


AI Writing Check is a free service developed by and to enable educators to check if a piece of writing submitted by a student was written by the AI tool ChatGPT (and if lengthy enough, AI text from Canva’s Magic Write tool). This algorithm is designed to detect AI-generated writing.


Talk to Books, a Google AI experiment, lets you ask any question to its collection of 100,000+ books and gives you quotes from books that answer your question. Talk to Books