Nearpod is an award winning interactive lesson delivery platform that allows seamless delivery of online, student paced, and teacher-led instruction. Consider it for one of the tools in your online instruction. Starting this week, Nearpod is also offering expanded live webinars almost on an hourly basis via this link: https://nearpod.com/blog/resources/
All P-CCS instructional staff can sign in to Nearpod with the Google Single Sign On button on the Nearpod site. Through June 2020 district instructional staff have access to their platform and premium features.
What exactly IS Nearpod? Watch the introductory video to get a sense of what teachers can do with it.
You will also find other resources on the Nearpod YouTube channel to help you with it. Keep in mind that you can also contact your Tech Integration Specialists to help get you up and running by signing up for our office hours: https://calendly.com/tis-pccs/15min