The New Google Sites is an amazing tool to use with students, and its simplicity is unparalleled when looking for a modern tool to help students create modern content that demonstrates their learning. It is also a great way to share content as an educator and professional, as demonstrated by the following examples: https://sites.google.com/tcsnc.org/new-gsites-ncties17/teacher-sample-sites
One great way to use the New Sites is for student portfolios where students curate their accomplishments throughout the year. Sites are easy to use, present very few barriers for students to use them, and teachers can get up and running quickly with minimal tech skills. Check out this video on using them for student portfolios: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0NLXn-LYDU
To learn more about exciting Google Sites updates coming in the future, check this out: https://gsuiteupdates.googleblog.com/2019/01/google-sites-improvements-new-roadmap.html