At the end of the 2017-2018 school year, we relayed messaging from Wayne RESA that we would be the benefactors of a free version of Discovery Streaming via REMC of Michigan. Unfortunately, the information relayed to us was incorrect, and we recently learned that only the Health content will be available with our new login. Since we did not seek budget approval for a Discovery Streaming subscription based on this info, we will not have access to Discovery Streaming any longer. But we have GREAT news!
There are MANY great alternatives to Discovery Streaming and we have curated some of the best right here:
PBS Learning Media – Teacher
PBS Learning Media – Student
Khan Academy
If you are using YouTube, we would highly recommend using ViewPure to show videos to your students. The link for the YouTube video can be placed in ViewPure and that link can be either viewed whole class or sent out via Google Classroom or other Learning Management System such as Edmodo, Moodle, or Seesaw for your students’ viewing safety.