Google Chat

Google’s collaboration tool, Chat, was enabled for staff last month.

To learn more about using it via please see this support document.  

To learn more about using Google Chat in Gmail, please see this support document

For an overview of its features, please see this support document

For more on the consolidation, visit this support document.


Staff have the following access: Chat // Google Chat is included in Gmail and works everywhere. Classic Hangouts works on web.


Students have the following access:

elementary — Classic Hangouts only // Classic Hangouts is included in Gmail and works everywhere. All Chat clients are turned off.

middle — Classic Hangouts only // Classic Hangouts is included in Gmail and works everywhere. All Chat clients are turned off.

PCEP/Starkweather — Chat and classic Hangouts // Classic Hangouts is included in Gmail and works everywhere. Chat also works everywhere except Gmail

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