UPDATE: County technical staff have cleared the condition that was causing the performance issue and MISTAR should again be functioning normally. Please submit a service ticket if you are experiencing an issue with MISTAR.
FYI, Wayne RESA’s status page can be found at https://status.resa.net/ and anyone can subscribe via a link on that page to email notices of issues with any of their services.
On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 7:58 AM <technology.communications> wrote:
Wayne RESA is experiencing performance issues with MISTAR and their technical team is actively investigating the issue. An update will be sent when more information is available.
This and all previous P-CCS Technology Status Alerts can be found at https://tech.pccsk12.com/status.
Please do not reply to this email as no one will receive your message. If you have any questions or concerns, please submit a service ticket at http://helpdesk.pccsk12.com.