In order to apply timely security patches and perform necessary infrastructure upgrades the Wayne RESA networking/server team needs to have an entire Sunday available every quarter. School district technical staff have vetted the dates selected for next fiscal year.
School district staff should be prepared for the complete outage of all data services between 8 AM and 4 PM on a Sunday maintenance day. In all likelihood, outages will minimal and sporadic during the maintenance window. However, be prepared for an entire day of outage.
The following dates are the scheduled all day infrastructure maintenance days for fiscal year 19 -20:
Sunday July 28, 2019
Sunday November 17, 2019
Sunday January 5, 2020
Sunday April 19, 2020
Further information on this and other WR-related service interruptions can be found at:
Further information on the status of all P-CCS technology systems and services are posted on
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