From: Lisa Farnham <>
Date: Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 7:36 PM
Subject: MISTAR WEB downtime, Tuesday April 12th, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

***MISTAR Hotfixes***

There will be a short window of downtime for MISTAR Web applications on Tuesday evening, April 12th, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. for all Wayne County RESA hosted districts.

This will allow us to install the following application hotfixes.

Direct Certification – When using the Direct Certification Import Batch tool the 'yyyymmdd' date format generates an error “Line #1 could not be imported (bad date format in DirectCertDate).”

Course Request List and Tally – When Q Course Request List & Tally Report is run for a school whose school code begins with a “0” the report throws an error.

Excessive Absence Report – In Q 3.1, the Excessive Absence Report had performance issues, and would take a long time to complete.

Class Attendance Analysis report –  1) The Attendance Code field was incorrectly removed as a pivot option in report options.  2) When running the report from the district for a large date range, the report would just hang, never returning any data. 3) The report would take a few minutes longer to generate for users that are not flagged as SA.

Mass Email – 1) A new permission item has been added to allow certain users access to other user's groups in (Student) Group filter area. If a user is flagged as SA, they will see this option. If a user has access to the Mass Email [Application] and [Administrator] permission items, but not the [Use Other Faculty Group] permission item, they will not see this option in the filter area in Mass Email.  2) Added new staff level preference enabling choice of using either Student or Class selection filter.   Previously users were not able to use Mass Email in the future year.  Adding this option allows a user to select the Student Filter so they can access Mass Email and send emails to students that are not yet scheduled into classes.

Perfect Attendance Report – This report was taking quite a while to generate, sometimes not ever completing.

Program History Report – Program History Report does not show students with Future (F) status. Students with other status records, M, A, or P show correctly.

Student Attendance – When focus is on a non-editable cell in Student Attendance, pressing 'Backspace' or 'Delete' will launch the attendance code selection popup and allow the user to change and save the attendance code.  Users are also able to enter and save notes for non-editable cells.

Student Schedule Editor – Issues found and addressed in this hotfix:  When using IE the enrollment and TA links to display the class roster in the section scheduler would not open.  A schedule cell with only classes that are inactive on the Schedule ‘As of date’ cannot be selected when the Show All Classes is off.   When a course name is changed, then add a course request, the old course name appears.  It's impossible to schedule a student into a section in which he was once scheduled but has since withdrawn.  Default sort order on Section Scheduler view was wrong for multi-cycleday tracks.

Lisa Farnham
Student Application Consultant
Wayne RESA
33500 Van Born Rd
Wayne, MI  48184
734-334-1401 / Fax: 734-334-1299