During the Independence Day holiday break from July 2nd (evening) through July 5th, Wayne RESA will be conducting disaster recovery systems testing that will result in ALL of their IT application SERVICES (such as MISTAR and SMART) AS WELL AS as our INTERNET ACCESS being UNAVAILABLEThis testing is critical to ensure that Wayne RESA will be able to continue to provide districts with full services should a disaster-level event happen. 

On Friday, July 2nd, districts will be required to log out of all RESA applications and services by 5 PM EST. Access won’t be available again until Tuesday, July 6th.

During this period, our district’s internet service will be suspended as well. 

Please note, from Friday evening, July 2nd through Monday, July 5th, there will be NO ACCESS TO the services Wayne RESA hosts (MISTAR — including Q, Parent Portal, Student Portal, SMART, etc.) AND NO INTERNET SERVICE within the districtThis also means NO VPN access. [Telephone service will remain operational.]

Wayne RESA expects to be able to restore services / access no later than Tuesday, July 6th, by 10 AM EST.