What is Seesaw?
Seesaw is a digital portfolio tool, demonstration of learning program, and communication platform. Seesaw gives the teacher many different avenues to engage with his/her students. Through Seesaw, students are able to show their thinking in many different ways including drawing, typing, writing, voice record, video, and more.
Seesaw is device agnostic, which means it works on any device including PC, Mac, iOS(iPad), Android, Kindle, etc. Please find below resources that will help support you in using Seesaw.
Seesaw Class
The Seesaw Class app is for the teacher and students. This is where you will assign work and they will complete the work.
Signing in with Seesaw
There are 2 different methods for signing in with Seesaw. Students can use their PCCS Google email address, or they can use home learning codes that are created when you create your class. Below are some tutorials on how to access both of these methods.
Sign in Using Google
Sign in With Home Learning
Quick Tips
Browse Activity Library
The Seesaw community activity library has thousands of different free activities that have been created by Seesaw ambassadors, and are vetted by the learning team at Seesaw.
Share Activity with Students
Once you have found an activity in community library, or have created your own, learn how to share activity with your students.
Create an Activity
You can create your own activities, using your own materials with ‘Create a New Activity’ feature in Seesaw.
Learn how to Manage your Seesaw Settings
Learn how to adjust your settings in seesaw. Very important if you need to change display names of kids, manage the students or families, and have the ability to turn on off ‘students can see each others work, or commenting’.
Want to Differentiate your activities and work?
Folders are extremely useful in Seesaw, they enable you to customize which activities go in them. For example, you could have your reading groups as folders and you can assign specific activity to that specific reading group.
Inviting Families to your Seesaw page
With Seesaw, you have the ability to invite families. This is great for communication, and so the families can see what their students are turning into you. The great thing about the families app, is they can only see their child’s work.
Learn how to create Choice Boards in Seesaw- Amazing Webinar!
Choice boards aren’t new to teaching, but with Seesaw, the flexibility and engagement you can have with choice boards is incredible. With just a few steps you can give your student a multitude of activities and resources.
Need Additional Help?
There are 2 different methods for signing in with Seesaw. Students can use their PCCS Google email address, or they can use home learning codes that are created when you create your class. Below are some tutorials on how to access both of these methods.