Misc sites for your consideration

Useful Sites

In no particular order…

https://bioart.niaid.nih.gov/  Build figures, presentations, and illustrations with 2,000+ science and medical art visuals


https://phishingquiz.withgoogle.com/  Google’s phishing quiz to help us be more vigilant when it comes to emails


https://sethideclercq.com/teachingtools/  assorted teacher tools created with minimalistic design principles in mind


https://artsandculture.google.com/art-zoom-out with the help of generative AI, Google helps you Zoom Out and envision what might lie beyond the frame of iconic paintings.

https://artsandculture.google.com/experiment/2gFc5DkygEURfw Art Remix puts your AI prompting to the test, presenting artworks alongside a prompt that describes them, challenging you to edit the prompt and imagine the work with your own twist.

https://artsandculture.google.com/experiment/food-mood/HwHnGalZ3up0EA  food mood combinations

https://artsandculture.google.com/project/uslatinocultures explore Latino cultures in the US


http://www.gearsket.ch/  a fun, simple web app for experimenting with gears


https://labs.google/gentype  uses AI to generate custom fonts using everyday object directions  other labs https://labs.google/experiments might be of interest too


https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews/ reviews audio summations of sources you submit in notebooklm.google.com


https://www.sonicentric.com/  relaxing, themed videos


https://noises.online/  simple noise generator


https://sandtimer.toolten.io/  if you want a digital hourglass with lots of customization options


https://www.canva.com/designschool/courses/teacher-essentials/?lesson=welcome-teacher-essentials  Canva teacher essentials